This virtuoso trio formed from faculty at the NZ School of Music, has appeared on various chamber series in Singapore, China, Australia and New Zealand and comprise violinist Martin Riseley, cellist Inbal Megiddo and Jian Liu on piano. All are avid chamber performers and sought after around the world for masterclasses and as guest performers with leading orchestras. Their debut CD was a finalist in the Vodafone Music Awards for best classical CD in 2017.
Today, they combine three beloved masterpieces, including a Liszt solo piano work, with Jessie Montgomery’s contemporary ode to friendship.
You can buy single tickets by:
• Emailing and paying by internet banking to
38-9015-0271891-00 with your name in the reference so we can identify you
• Booking online at: Eventfinda Bookings (transaction fees apply)
• Booking over the counter at ‘Visitor i-Sites’ in Wellington, Lower Hutt, Carterton, Masterton and Martinborough
• Phoning Eventfinda: 0800BUYTIX or 0800 289 849 Note: Eventfinda will not accept postal bookings or payment by cheque. Tickets for all online and phone bookings will be emailed to you.
• At the venue: from 2:30pm on the day of the concert (cash only). Past ConcertsSunday 28 May 2023 - St. Andrew's on The Terrace |