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Sunday 28 September - Ludwig Treviranus

Ludwig Treviranus

The series ends with a solo recital by one of the most talented young pianists to have emerged from New Zealand in recent years. Ludwig Treviranus grew up in Upper Hutt, gained a master’s degree from Auckland University, and has recently returned after completing a doctorate at Florida State University.

His recital brings together some of the great character pieces of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including an evergreen Strauss waltz in a brilliant arrangement, excerpts from Prokofiev’s dazzling version of pieces from his Romeo and Juliet ballet, and Mussorgsky’s singular Pictures at an Exhibition.

The recital begins with a set of Preludes by Paul Schramm, a colourful figure in Wellington musical circles during World War II, who after shameful treatment here as an ‘enemy alien’ left permanently for Australia in 1946.

Visit Ludwig Treviranus’ website.

Sunday 28 September

3:00 pm, St Andrew's on The Terrace

Paul Schramm Preludes Ravel Miroirs Prokofiev Excerpts from Romeo and Juliet: Ten pieces for Piano Opus 75 Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition

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